General Information
On the basis of these principles, our faculty stick to the rules of universal and modern dentistry education and ethics, is evidence-based, patient-oriented, predominant in preventive practices, is included in clinical practice from the first year with a multidisciplinary approach, encourages original scientific research on national and international current issues, carries out social and scientific procejts.
This training process includes preclinical training and clinical observation for the first three years, and practical clinical training under the supervision of faculty members for the last two years. At the end of the 5-year education period, students;
By reaching the competencies in the departments of oral, dental and maxillofacial surgery, oral, dental and maxillofacial radiology, endodontics, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, periodontology, prosthetic dentistry and restorative dentistry, and entitled to receive the title of dentist.