Academic Staff
Prof. Fisun Şenuzun Aykar
Internal Medicine Nursing Master with Thesis
Prof. Fisun Şenuzun Aykar
Internal Medicine Nursing Non-Thesis Master's Degree
Prof. Gülendam Hakverdioğlu Yönt
Nursing Fundamentals Master With Thesis
Assoc. Prof. Füsun Gökkaya
Clinical Psychology Master's Program with Thesis
Assoc. Prof. Ebru Aldemir
Clinical Psychology Master's Program with Thesis
Assoc. Prof. Yasemin Hande Atik Altınok
Nutrition and Dietetics Master with Thesis
Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Akman
Nutrition and Dietetics Non-Thesis Master's Degree
Assist. Prof. Cemile Gürdal
Clinical Psychology Master's Program with Thesis
Assist. Prof. Mert Günerergin
Department of Health Tourism
Assist. Prof. Ahmet Çolak
Health Physics Master with Thesis
Assist. Prof. Gönül Düzgün
Internal Medicine Nursing Master with Thesis
Assist. Prof. Gönül Düzgün
Internal Medicine Nursing Non-Thesis Master's Degree
Assist. Prof. Çiler Yeyğel
Midwifery Master with Thesis
Assist. Prof. Serap Tekbaş
Midwifery Master with Thesis
Assist. Prof. Ayşegül Dönmez
Midwifery Master with Thesis
Assist. Prof. Çiler Yeyğel
Midwifery Non-Thesis Master's
Assist. Prof. Ayşegül Dönmez
Midwifery Non-Thesis Master's
Assist. Prof. Serap Tekbaş
Midwifery Non-Thesis Master's
Assist. Prof. Merve Yılmaz
Nutrition and Dietetics Master with Thesis
Assist. Prof. Merve Yılmaz
Nutrition and Dietetics Non-Thesis Master's Degree
Assist. Prof. Zeliha Özay
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Master with Thesis
Assist. Prof. Özgür Bozan
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Master with Thesis
Assist. Prof. Ayşe Özden
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Master with Thesis
Assist. Prof. Cemile Gürdal
Assist. Prof. Songül Gökhan
Sağlık Turizmi
Assist. Prof. Selim Ünsal
Speech and Language Therapy Master's with Thesis
Assist. Prof. İlim Aksu
Speech and Language Therapy Master's with Thesis
Assist. Prof. Berna Dizer
Surgical Diseases Nursing Master's with Thesis
Assist. Prof. Berna Dizer
Surgical Diseases Nursing Non-Thesis Master's Degree
Lecturer PhD İlknur Çalışkan
Surgical Diseases Nursing Master's with Thesis
Lecturer PhD İlknur Çalışkan
Surgical Diseases Nursing Non-Thesis Master's Degree
Assist. Prof. Banu Özgürel
Sağlık Turizmi Ana Bilim Dalı