A- Uluslararası
1. Endovascular Treatment of Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations. Book chapter: Vascular Malformations of the Central Nervous System. Senturk C. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.89185
2. Thrombosis and Embolism: From Research to Clinical Practice. Book chapter: Endovascular treatment of Thrombosis and Embolism. Goktay AY, Senturk C. 10.1007/978-3-319-22108-3. Springer International Publishing
Asymmetrically severe internal auditory canal hypoplasia: A case report. Martin J , Wishka C, Thompson M, Djalilian H, Floriolli D, Senturk C, Hasso A. Radiology Case Reports 15 (2020) 457–459.
2. Frontal QRS-T Angle and the Incidence of Intracranial Cerebral Aneurysm. Edem E, Senturk C. ARC Journal of Cardiology. 2018 Volume 4, Issue 1, 12-14.
3. Endovascular treatment of Thrombosis and Embolism. Goktay AY, Senturk C. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017; 906:195-213.
4. Predictive value of platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio in severe degenerative aortic valve stenosis. Edem E, Reyhanoğlu H, Küçükukur M, Kırdök AH, Kınay AO, Tekin Üİ, Özcan K, Ertürk M, Senturk C J Res Med Sci. 2016 Oct 18;21:93. doi: 10.4103/1735- 1995.192509.
5. Mechanical Removal of Migrated Onyx Due to Microcatheter Rupture during AVM Embolization: A Technical Case Report. Senturk C Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2015 Dec;38(6):1654-7
6. Endovascular treatment of cervical giant perimedullary arteriovenous fistulas Casasco A, Guimaraens L, Senturk C, Cotroneo E, Gigli R, Theron J. Neurosurgery. 2012 Jan 70:1, 141-149 25
7. Looking for the ideal particle: An experimental embolization study. Senturk C, Cakir V, Yorukoglu K, Yilmaz O, Goktay Y. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2010 Apr;33(2):336-45
8. Endovascular treatment of anterior choroidal artery aneurysms Senturk C, Bandeira A, Bruneau M, Dewindt A, Baleriaux D, De Witte O, Lubicz B. J Neuroradiol 2009 Oct; 36(4):228-32
B- Ulusal
1. Publication rates of scientific presentations in Turkish national radiology congresses. Secil M, Ucar G, Senturk C, Karasu S, Dicle O. Diagn Interv Radiol. 2005 Jun;11(2):69-73
A- Uluslararası
1. Endovascular Treatment of Cervical Giant Perimedullary Arteriovenous Fistulas: TransarteriaL Approach, Transvenous Approach and Direct Percutaneous Puncture of the Venous Pouch Senturk C, Casasco A, Guimaraens L, Cotroneo E, Gigli R, Sola T, Vivas E. Dünya Nöroradyoloji Kongresi, Ekim 2010 (Bologna, İtalya)
2. Flow Diverter Stents: Ultimate solution for Untouchable Aneurysms or a Weapon too Dangerous to Use. Senturk C, Casasco A, Guimaraens L. Symposium Dünya Nöroradyoloji Kongresi, Ekim 2010 (Bologna, İtalya)
3. Bridging multiple flow diverter stents to reconstruct a dysplastic internal carotid artery with a giant aneurysm. Senturk C, Casasco A, Guimaraens L. İspanyol Girişimsel Nöroradyoloji Kongresi, Mayıs 2010 (Malaga,İspanya)
4. Complete percutaneous approach without surgical femoral exploration in the endovascular treatment of aortic aneurysms. Goktay A.Y., Senturk C, Gencel O. CIRSE Congress, 2007 (Atina, Yunanistan)
B- Ulusal
5. Transarteryel embolizasyonda kullanilan embolik ajanlarin etkinliklerinin tavşan böbrek modelinde anjiyografik ve histopatolojik olarak karşilaştirilması Senturk C, Cakir V, Yorukoglu K, Yilmaz O, Goktay Y. 28. Ulusal Radyoloji Kongresi, Antalya 2007
6. Anevrizma embolizasyonu sırasında koil migrasyonunun tedavisi ve Abciximab kullanımı. Senturk C, Lubicz B. 27. Ulusal Radyoloji Kongresi, Antalya 2006
7. Karotid ve orta serebral arterin tromboembotik oklüzyonlarının combine farmakolojik ve mekanik rekanalizasyonu Karagoz C, Senturk C, Karakas O Men S. 27. Ulusal Radyoloji Kongresi, Antalya 2006
8. Pediatrik olguda hepatik arter psödoanevrizmasının endovasküler tedavisi. Senturk C , Goktay A.Y., Celik T., Olguner M., Akgur F. 27. Ulusal Radyoloji Kongresi, Antalya 2006
9. Aort anevrizmalarının endovasküler tedavisinde cerrahi femoral eksplorasyon olmaksızın tam perkutan yaklaşım. Goktay A.Y., Senturk C, Gencel O, 27. Ulusal Radyoloji Kongresi, Antalya 2006
10. Karotid arter stentleme sonrasında gelişen hiperperfuzy