Lenfodem Üzerine Bir İnceleme Yayini

Prof. Arzu Tuna

Lymphedema is a congenital or mechanical (secondary) abnormality in the lymphatic system that leads to an abnormal accumulation of interstitial fluid in a particular region of the human body. Here, we focused on secondary lymphedema, which is usually caused by lymph node dissection or lymphadenectomy, for the formation of cancer associated with tumor removal and the latest innovations in the field of microvascular surgery with the knowledge and experience of 10 nurses. In general, questions about the lymphedema were asked by the researchers to the volunteer nurses and the responses were written. According to the practices and experiences of nurses, nurses’ information was relevant to the relevant literature, but their knowledge was limited. Although pre-discharge patients were given written material, the information in this study was not planned, scheduled, and timely. The patients were more interested in learning about the disease, and only the patient with the knowledge to increase their awareness of preventing lymphed

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