Autopsy Assistant

To have sufficient knowledge about basic, clinical medical sciences and forensic medicine and to be able to use theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of forensic medicine.
Gaining the ability to perform autopsy and determine the cause of death as a result of autopsy
To be able to take postmortem samples by choosing and applying appropriate methods and techniques.
Identifying and solving problems that may be encountered in forensic medicine and autopsy procedures
To obtain the materials needed while performing the autopsy and to be able to perform the autopsy process with modern equipment.
To have professional ethical values
To be able to use the necessary communication techniques while practicing their profession.
To be conscious of individual awareness in social and cultural sense
To understand the importance of environmental health, public health and occupational safety issues

Post Graduation Job Opportunities:
They will be able to work as autopsy assistants in Forensic Medicine Departments, Forensic Medicine Institutes, Forensic Medicine Institution and its affiliated group presidencies, branch directorates and courthouses.
They will be able to work as autopsy assistants in autopsy units of hospitals.
Parallel to the increasing population, the need for autopsy assistants equipped with developing technological information is increasing.