
To have sufficient and up-to-date knowledge about basic optical instruments.
To have basic information about eye and vision health and diseases.
To have sufficient and up-to-date information about basic vision devices such as glasses, contact lenses and low vision devices.
To be able to select, sell and prepare basic vision devices according to the prescription and adapt them to the user.
To have professional ethical values
To be conscious of individual awareness in social and cultural sense
To understand the importance of environmental health, public health and occupational safety issues
To be able to have knowledge and skills related to the administrative responsibility and management of professional enterprises.

Post Graduation Job Opportunities:
Graduates of the optician program can work in optician companies in the private sector.
They can work as responsible managers in optician companies in the private sector.
They have the right to open an optician business.
They can work as opticians in public eye clinics.
They can work as opticians in private eye clinics.