Home Page / University / Graduate School
Prof. Fisun Şenuzun  Aykar
Prof. Fisun Şenuzun Aykar Internal Medicine Nursing Master with Thesis fisun.senuzun@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Prof. Fisun Şenuzun  Aykar
Prof. Fisun Şenuzun Aykar Internal Medicine Nursing Non-Thesis Master's Degree fisun.senuzun@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Prof. Gülendam Hakverdioğlu Yönt
Prof. Gülendam Hakverdioğlu Yönt Nursing Fundamentals Master With Thesis gulendam.yont@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assoc. Prof. Füsun Gökkaya
Assoc. Prof. Füsun Gökkaya Clinical Psychology Master's Program with Thesis fusun.gokkaya@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assoc. Prof. Yasemin Hande Atik Altınok
Assoc. Prof. Yasemin Hande Atik Altınok Nutrition and Dietetics Master with Thesis yasemin.atik@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Akman
Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Akman Nutrition and Dietetics Non-Thesis Master's Degree mehmet.akman@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Cemile Gürdal
Assist. Prof. Cemile Gürdal Clinical Psychology Master's Program with Thesis cemile.gurdal@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Mert Günerergin
Assist. Prof. Mert Günerergin Department of Health Tourism mert.gunerergin@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Ahmet Çolak
Assist. Prof. Ahmet Çolak Health Physics Master with Thesis ahmet.colak@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Gönül Düzgün
Assist. Prof. Gönül Düzgün Internal Medicine Nursing Master with Thesis gonul.duzgun@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Gönül Düzgün
Assist. Prof. Gönül Düzgün Internal Medicine Nursing Non-Thesis Master's Degree gonul.duzgun@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Serap Tekbaş
Assist. Prof. Serap Tekbaş Midwifery Master with Thesis serap.tekbas@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Ayşegül Dönmez
Assist. Prof. Ayşegül Dönmez Midwifery Master with Thesis aysegul.donmez@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Çiler Yeyğel
Assist. Prof. Çiler Yeyğel Midwifery Master with Thesis ciler.elmas@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Serap Tekbaş
Assist. Prof. Serap Tekbaş Midwifery Non-Thesis Master's serap.tekbas@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Ayşegül Dönmez
Assist. Prof. Ayşegül Dönmez Midwifery Non-Thesis Master's aysegul.donmez@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Çiler Yeyğel
Assist. Prof. Çiler Yeyğel Midwifery Non-Thesis Master's ciler.elmas@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Merve Yılmaz
Assist. Prof. Merve Yılmaz Nutrition and Dietetics Master with Thesis merve.yilmaz@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Merve Yılmaz
Assist. Prof. Merve Yılmaz Nutrition and Dietetics Non-Thesis Master's Degree merve.yilmaz@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Ayşe Özden
Assist. Prof. Ayşe Özden Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Master with Thesis ayse.ozden@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Özgür Bozan
Assist. Prof. Özgür Bozan Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Master with Thesis ozgur.bozan@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Zeliha Özay
Assist. Prof. Zeliha Özay Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Master with Thesis zeliha.ozay@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Cemile Gürdal
Assist. Prof. Cemile Gürdal Psychiatry cemile.gurdal@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Songül Gökhan
Assist. Prof. Songül Gökhan Sağlık Turizmi songul.gokhan@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. İlim Aksu
Assist. Prof. İlim Aksu Speech and Language Therapy Master's with Thesis ilim.aksu@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Selim Ünsal
Assist. Prof. Selim Ünsal Speech and Language Therapy Master's with Thesis selim.unsal@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Berna Dizer
Assist. Prof. Berna Dizer Surgical Diseases Nursing Master's with Thesis berna.dizer@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Berna Dizer
Assist. Prof. Berna Dizer Surgical Diseases Nursing Non-Thesis Master's Degree berna.dizer@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Lecturer PhD İlknur Çalışkan
Lecturer PhD İlknur Çalışkan Surgical Diseases Nursing Master's with Thesis ilknur.caliskan@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Lecturer PhD İlknur Çalışkan
Lecturer PhD İlknur Çalışkan Surgical Diseases Nursing Non-Thesis Master's Degree ilknur.caliskan@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Assist. Prof. Banu Özgürel
Assist. Prof. Banu Özgürel Sağlık Turizmi Ana Bilim Dalı banu.ozgurel@tinaztepe.edu.tr