In accordance with the Law on the Right to Obtain No 4982, you can apply for Information in the form below. The fields "Name Surname", "Full Name" and "Republic of Turkey ID Number" must be filled in completely and correctly. Otherwise, no application for information will be received!
Information and documents previously disclosed to the public via the internet, advertisements, brochures and similar means by our institution cannot be subject to applications for obtaining information.
The questions (when is the registration dates?, What are the application instructions?, I want to get a transcript, how do I get my diploma ?, summer school questions, etc.), whose answers are on our website (tinaztepe.edu.tr) and on the websites of the relevant units, will not be answered.
Please enter your e-mail address carefully, since applicants who do not enter their e-mail address correctly (real) will not be able to reach the application answers. In case of incorrect e-mail address is entered, İzmir Tınaztepe University is not responsible for the answers that are not received.
Those who apply with this form are deemed to have accepted the conditions written above.
In the Article 22 of the "Regulation on Principles and Procedures for the Implementation of the Law on the Right to Information", which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 25445 and dated April 27, 2004, with the Decree of the Council of Ministers dated 31/10/2005 and no. The tariff for access to information to be applied is determined by the Ministry of Finance. " provision is included. According to this provision, our University may collect a fee equal to the cost amount required for access from the applicant for the information or documents it provides access to, to be recorded as revenue in the budget.
You can make your personal applications within the scope of the Law on Information Acquisition by applying to İzmir Tınaztepe University, Directorate of Publicity, Public Relations and Student Activities.
For your applications via e-mail: bilgiedinme@tinaztepe.edu.tr
Tel: 08508224988