Nutrition and Dietetics

Dietitians are healthcare professionals who organize plans and programs of individual and collective nutrition in accordance with the principles of nutritional science to protect and improve people’s health and enhance their life quality during personal growth, development and throughout their lives; who investigate, assess, and come up with solutions for health problems caused by nutritional ingredients, food and nutrition, who make sure that existing food resources are used in adherence to economic and health-related rules, who conduct food investigations, who inform and raise awareness in individuals and the society to make sure that they adopt a physiologically, psychologically and sociologically healthy lifestyle, plan diet programs using natural and treating ingredients suitable for the medical and surgical treatment modalities of innate and acquired diseases and for other special cases, and who conduct, plan, implement and monitor training programs.
The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics of İzmir Tınaztepe University Faculty of Health Sciences is an undergraduate degree program of 4 years that have been planned to this end. The goal of the department is to raise dietitians experienced in nutrition science and dietetics who are capable of planning diet programs for treatment of diseases, converting scientific data into practical diet recommendation, drawing up individual nutrition plans while also adhering to professional and ethical values, as well as to become a department that is nationally and internationally recognized, appreciated and preferred with its scientific studies and consultancies. Students who graduate from this department earn the title of “Dietitian”.
İzmir Tınaztepe University is a student-oriented “health-themed” university. The department offers its students hands-on training and research opportunities at the four hospitals of Tınaztepe Health Group that admit high number of patients. The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics is looking forward to welcoming prospective dietitians who will be professionally competent and ready for professional life after completing the education offered by the department’s team of knowledgeable scholars and practitioners and in a teaching setting where students can present their scientific projects.

Courses Offered at the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
Along with the basic science and profession-specific courses offered at the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, there are also laboratory practices of the topics that require practice and skills. The courses offered at the department include particularly Nutritional Biochemistry, Nutrition Ecology, Food and Nutritional Ingredient Interaction, Food Processing Methods, Nutrition for Cancer Patients, Geriatric Nutrition, Nutrition During Pregnancy, as well as the subject that will teach Nutrition Principles, Pure Chemistry, Basic Psychology, Anatomy, Medical Biology and Genetics.

Employment After Graduation:
They can work as as Teaching Dietitians at education institution and as Investigative Nutritionists at Research Institutions.
They can work as Treating Dietitians at hospitals (Diabetes Dietitian, Renal Dietitian, Oncology Dietitian, Enteral-Parenteral Dietitian, Polyclinic Dietitian, etc.).
They can also work as Managing Dietitian at catering companies (catering services for schools, banks, public institutions, etc.).
They can also work as Public Health Dietitians for food services for restaurants, hotels, etc., Elderly Care Centers, Food Factories (Ministries, Mother&Child Health Centers, International Aid Organizations, etc.).
They can provide food industry with product consultancy.
They can work as consultants at private consultancy offices, health clubs, fitness clubs, etc. or provide people and groups engaged in sports with nutrition consultancy.
They can consult and work as producers for the media including newspapers, magazines, radios, and TV channels.
Medium of Instruction: Turkish
Admission Score Type: Science