As Izmir Tınaztepe University, we are a health-themed campus university with modern technology facilities and students in focus. We prepare a strong ground for applied education with our research and application hospitals, and train equipped healthcare professionals for the future.

Power of Tınaztepe Health Group Easy access to clinical practice with 4 hospitals of the Tınaztepe Health Group.
Applied Training Supporting applications in education with 11 laboratories in the first faculty building.
Campus University A campus life in a lush green area of 102 decares that you will not want to go out of.
Central Location Easy transportation to and from many parts of the city with direct and connecting services.
Wide Opportunities Exclusive opportunities including conference hall, library, cafeterias and foyer areas.
Opportunity For A Successful Career Guidance in reaching your goal with quality education and current approaches.

Academic Departments

Izmir Tınaztepe University consists of 3 faculties, 1 vocational school and 1 graduate education institute. Our university has the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dentistry and the Faculty of Health Sciences (7 departments in total), the Vocational School of Health Services (13 programs in total) and the Institute of Graduate Studies (16 programs in total).

Galen Medicine Days will be in Izmir on 3-4 October 2024
Galen Medicine Days will be in Izmir on 3-4 October 2024...
Faculty of Medicine will start accepting students in the 2020-2021 academic year.
Faculty of Medicine will start accepting students in the 2020-2021 academic year....
Faculty of Health Sciences will start accepting students in the 2020-2021 academic year.
Faculty of Health Sciences will start accepting students in the 2020-2021 academic year....

Izmir Tınaztepe University was established with the Annex 192 of the HIGHER EDUCATION LAW, numbered 7141, and the LAW REGARDING AMENDMENTS IN SOME LAWS AND LAWS, which was accepted on 09.05.2018 and published in the Official Gazette dated 18.05.2018 and numbered 30425.

Regarding student recruitment; Preparations for faculty member appointments, structuring of laboratories and other YÖK criteria are ongoing. In the academic year 2020-2021

  • Medical School,
  • Faculty of Health Sciences,
  • It is aimed that the Health Services Vocational School will start education by accepting students.

First students will be admitted to Izmir Tınaztepe University in 2020-2021 academic year and the University has not produced graduates yet.

Information regarding faculty and vocational school student quotas of İzmir Tınaztepe University will be included in the 2020 OSYS (Student Selection and Placment Exam) guide.

You can find detailed information on the candidate student page.

The language of education at Izmir Tınaztepe University is "Turkish".

Educational activities are carried out on the campus of Izmir Tınaztepe University, which is under construction. Our campus is located in İzmir Buca District, Aydoğdu District.

(How to get there: The campus is being built on 110 hectares between the residential buildings in the 2nd district in Oyak and the newly built Mevlana Mosque. It is very close to the Buca Şahin hill, the gendarmerie, the fire station and the zmir traffic center (IZUM).

Izmir Tınaztepe University will collaborate with the full-fledged Tınaztepe Hospitals of Tınaztepe Health Group. The university hospitals on the campus are planned to be initiated by 2025.

As student admission preparations are ongoing, it will be possible to indicate the order of points later.

Izmir Tınaztepe University offers scholarships and discounts on tuition fee to admit achieved students, to encourage admitted students to study more, and to to award achieved students.

Information concerning scholarships and discounts will soon be published in “İZTU Directive on Scholarships for Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs”.

As per the relevant legislation and the corporate structure of İZTU, it is not allowable to discriminate between students.

For the Medical Faculty, the normal period of study is six years (twelve terms) and the maximum period of study is nine years (eighteen terms).

For the Faculty of Health Sciences, the normal period of study is four years (eight terms) and the maximum period of study is six years (twelve terms).

For the Vocational School of Healthcare Services, the normal period of study is two years (four terms) and the maximum period of study is four years (eight terms).

The amount, payment terms, and time of tuition fees are determined by the Board of Trustees for each academic year. It will be announced to you on the website after it is determined.

You can find detailed information on the candidate student page.

Applications for undergraduate transfer within or outside the University and their reviews are subject to the “Regulation on Transfers Between Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs, Double Major, Minor Degrees at Higher Education Institutions, and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfers” No. 27561 and dated 24/04/2010, as well as to the principles set by the Senate based on other legal provisions.

IZTU Medical Faculty is a 6-year integrated program.

Faculties are assessed by the National Board of Medical Education Accreditation after a group of students graduate from faculties.

İZTU Medical Faculty has been structured to meet all the requirements of accreditation.

Erasmus internship program is one of the programs that provide scholarship opportunities for student summer internships. As part of this program, our students will be able to apply for internship opportunities at universities abroad, which our university will sign an Erasmus agreement with. Scientific research studies will be made in the summer of 2nd and 3rd grade, and comprehensive agreements will be made in the 4th and 5th grade summers to enable clinical rotation / clinical research.


Minor Program (MP) is the certificate program that allows students to enroll in courses that they are interested to get informed about the branches other than their major. Minor Program does not constitute a separate undergraduate degree.

It is executed in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on Transfers Between Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs, Double Major, Minor Degrees at Higher Education Institutions, and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfers.

Students can apply for Minor Program (MP) in the third term at the earliest and the sixth term at the latest of their major undergraduate study.

Application quotas and requirements are announced by the Faculty/Schools before application dates and the applications are received between the dates announced on the academic calendar.

To be able to apply for Minor Program (MP), in their major program, students are required to have at least 50 ECTS by the end of grade 1, 110 ECTS by the end of grade 2, and 140 ECTS by the end of the fall semester of grade 3, to have successfully passed all the courses they were enrolled in, and to have a minimum GPA of 2.50 out of 4.00.

The quotas and requirements for international student admissions to associate and undergraduate degree program and the diplomas and tests required for application are determined by the University Senate and submitted to the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education upon the approval of the Board of Trustees every year.

These applications are subject to the “procedures and principles on admission of students of foreign nationality and of students completing their whole secondary education abroad to higher education institutions”, which are set by the Council of Higher Education for each academic year.

International students to apply for undergraduate, master’ and doctoral degree programs make their applications online by submitting the application documents required by the Senate.

Applications made by international students for undergraduate degree programs are reviewed based on their test scores and diploma grades. Applicants meeting the requirements are sent their admissions letters.

Students scoring under the minimum score that was already required are not admitted even if additional quotas are opened.

Enrollments of the international students admitted are completed by the Registrar’s Office between the dates announced.

Applicants that do not complete their enrollment or provide the necessary documents are deemed to have waived their right to enrollment. Those with a missing or forged document or those who were dismissed from a higher education institution based on a disciplinary action are disenrolled even if their enrollments had already been made. Those disenrolled due to this reason are not returned the fee they paid.

Students are required to be present personally at final enrollment and to provide the documents listed in their admission letter in full.

Enrollment cannot be completed in case of a missing document.

Since Turkish is needed for communication during education, applicants are required to document their Turkish proficiency. Students are tested for their Turkish proficiency on written and/or oral exams by the university or they are required to submit B2-level TÖMER certificate from all universities and Yunus Emre Foundation. Students that cannot document their Turkish proficiency by the end of the third grade cannot continue the fourth grade until they meet this requirement.

Those who have completed at least three years of their secondary education at an institution teaching in Turkish in Turkey are not required to submit proof of Turkish Language Proficiency.

The dormitory building is under construction. Information about application requirements and quotas of the dormitory will be shared following its completion.

Student Clubs can be founded within the first four weeks of each academic year.

To found a new student club, an application needs to be made to the Registrar’s Office by submitting a petition stating the relevant club’s goal, description, and requests.

After the application petition of the club is approved, the necessary forms are filled out and the club is officially founded.

İZTU will provide any kind of support for new student clubs and their works after students start their education at the university.

Our students will experience a healthy lifestyle at our healthcare-themed university where they will also study in medical sciences. We are willing to encourage our students to integrate a healthy lifestyle into their lives with our walking trails, healthy nutrition centers, organic production centers where they will be able to create their own agricultural fields, and many more similar facilities that we offer for our students to this end.

To achieve these goals, we will also benefit from various classrooms of varying capacities and advanced laboratories equipped with all kinds of visual and audial devices and internet connections on the campus.

There are also social spaces, food halls and cafeterias where various events can take place.

In addition to all these facilities, our students will be offered halls, reading rooms, kitchens, canteens, library, sickroom, and dormitory facilities.

The academic calendar is scheduled and announced by the Senate.

The first academic calendar of our university will be prepared for 2020-2021 academic year and announced on www.tinaztepe.edu.tr upon its completion.

Students whose families hold insurance of Social Security Institution can directly benefit from the healthcare services offered by all the healthcare institutions affiliated to the social security institution until they turn 25. Students who do not have insurance are required to make their insurance application to the institution mentioned or get a private insurance. Students of foreign nationality can benefit from the healthcare services at all healthcare institutions affiliated to the social security institution as long as they get their health insurance from the Social Security Institutions by submitting the documents they have received from the Immigration Authority.

Applicants placed at a higher education institution as part of the central placements of ÖSYS (Student Selection and Placement System) are not suitable for enrollment through additional quotas. To be able to get enrolled through additional quotas, students are required not to have been placed through ÖSYS. For the programs that have been fully placed and now have the minimum score requirement set based on the central student placements but where some of these quotas become available as some of the placed applicants do not get their registration, other applicants with a score equal to or higher than the minimum score can apply. For other programs with available quota that have yet to have their minimum score requirement set, all applicants with their relevant type of score calculated can apply.

It is accessible on http://mevzuat.basbakanlik.gov.tr/ through the “Legislation Information Center” that has been prepared by Republic of Turkey Prime Minister's Office General Directorate of Regulatory Development and Publication.

The directives that have been prepared and published specifically for our University are also accessible on www.tinaztepe.edu.tr.

Education at all faculties is supported by an electronic learning platform that our students will use throughout their studies.

This platform will allow students to access course materials, read book, and do their homework and take tests on their mobiles, tablets or computers. Numerous electronic materials including e-books, pictures, audios, videos, and 3D drawings will be accessible for students with their personal usernames and passwords.

Students will be able to repeat previous training events and get ready for future training events and tests through this platform that they can access 24/7 at any location where there is internet connection. This structure will run in integration with the course registration system, thereby allowing students to access the videos of previous training events through this system.

Social Media

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Sosyal Medialar
Sosyal Medialar
Sosyal Medialar


IZTÜ Sağlık Yaz Okulu Bursluluk Fırsatları! Sayısal ve Genel Ders Ortalaması yüksek olan lise öğrencilerimize yaz okulumuzda burslu eğitim sunuyoruz. Sağlığın geleceğine yön verecek junior sağlıkçılarımızı bekliyoruz. Detaylı bilgi için web sitemizi ziyaret edebilirsiniz
Uluslararası Bursluluk Sınavı başvurularımız başlamıştır! Yabancı uyruklu öğrencilerimizin katılabileceği ve başarılı öğrencilerimize eğitim bursu sunulacağı uluslararası bursluluk sınavına başvurmayı unutmayın! Detaylı bilgi için web sitemizi ziyaret edebilirsiniz.
Tıp Fakültesi tarafından düzenlenen Multidisipliner Panel IV- Anemilere Yaklaşım konulu panel, Rektör Yard./Tıp Fak. Dekanı Prof. Dr. Esra Özer'in moderatörlüğünde Doç. Dr. Oya Baltalı Hıdır'ın katılımıyla gerçekleştirilecektir.
"Bilinçli Toplum Sağlıklı Gelecek" konulu Dünya Sağlık Haftası Sempozyumu 7-8 Nisan 2021 tarihlerinde online olarak gerçekleştirilecektir. Katılım için bilgileri görselde bulabilirsiniz.
Inovasyon ve Girişimcilik Birimi tarafından düzenlenen "AB Çerçeve Programları Temel Bilgiler" konulu seminer Doç. Dr. Zeynep Sofuoğlu'nun katılımıyla 30 Mart 2021 saat:14:00-15:00'da online olarak gerçekleştirilecektir.
Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Bölümü tarafından düzenlenen " Fizyoterapide Kariyer Planlama" etkinliği Uzm. Fzt. Nuri Üçler'in katılımıyla 29 Mart 2021 zoom üzerinden gerçekleştirilecektir.
Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulu Ameliyathane Hizmetleri Programı tarafından düzenlenen "Ameliyathanede Covid 19 Süreci" semineri Prof. Dr. A. Serhat Gür'ün katılımıyla Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Berna Özer'in moderatörlüğünde 23 Mart 2021'de online olarak gerçekleştirilecektir.
IZTÜ Genç Yeşilay Kulübünün düzenlediği "Madde Bağımlılığı" konulu etkinlik 25 Mart 2021 saat: 13:30-15:30'da Dr. Ebru Aldemir'in katılımıyla online olarak gerçekleştirilecektir.
İZTÜ Sağlık Yaz Okulu'na Başvurular Başladı! 14-16 yaş grubu lise öğrencilerimiz, sizlerde mini üniversite tecrübesi yaşamak istemez misiniz? 21 Haziran- 2 Temmuz tarihlerinde başlayacak Yaz Okulu kontenjanlarımız sınırlı olup bilgi için web sitemizi ziyaret edebilirsiniz.
Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi tarafından düzenlenen Yaşlılar Haftası Etkinliği Rektör Yardımcısı/ SBF Dekanı Prof. Dr. Fisun Şenuzun Aykar'ın moderatörlüğünde Doç. Dr. Sevnaz Şahin'in katılımıyla 23 Mart 2020'de 10:30-12:00'da online olarak gerçekleştirilecektir.
