
Nursing is a healthcare profession that protects and improves people’s health, offers HUMAN-oriented healthcare services and respects HUMAN dignity and rights, offers ethically right care, keeps itself up to speed on professional updates, undertakes an active role in healthcare team, and informs and consults patients. Nurses are in charge of protecting and improving health, preventing diseases, and caring people in need and about to die. Nursing is the healthcare discipline of scientific and art approaches intended to protect health and welfare of individuals, families and communities without discrimination of race, language, religion, and gender and to plan, organize, practice and evaluate nursing services in treating diseases while also training those individuals who will administer these services.
Anyone who can read sheet music can play guitar; however, the sheet music converts into a recital only when an actual artist plays the guitar.
The Department of Nursing of İzmir Tınaztepe University Faculty of Health Sciences is an undergraduate degree program of 4 years that have been planned to this end. The Department is intended to train innovative and exploring nurses who are capable of focusing on protecting and enhancing health for individuals, families and communities, equipped with nursing knowledge and skills, planning, organizing and administering patient care by using the method of scientific problem solving, embracing professional ethics, making evidence-based decisions, thinking creatively and critically, respecting human rights and values, keeping a life-long learning and self-improvement.
İzmir Tınaztepe University is a student-oriented “health-themed university. The four-year undergraduate degree program of the Department of Nursing has been prepared in accordance with the European Union Criteria and the National Core Education Program for Nursing, which was prepared to introduce a nationwide standardization for nursing education based on a set of minimum standards of nursing education within a national framework. Students are offered theoretical and hands-on courses of nursing within the four-year undergraduate degree program of nursing. The courses can be applied through training and researching at the four hospitals founded by Tınaztepe Healthcare Group. Students can also apply these courses at community healthcare centers, schools, and senior centers.
Title Obtained After Graduation: Students completing the four-year education successfully earn Undergraduate Diploma for Nursing and the title “NURSE”.

Courses Offered at the Department of Nursing
Along with the basic science and profession-specific courses offered at the Department of Nursing, there are also laboratory practices of the topics that require practice and skills. The courses offered include profession-specific courses such as Nursing Principles, Surgical Nursing, Internist Nursing, Ethics in Nursing, Geriatric Nursing, Emergency Nursing, as well as education on basic science branches such as Anatomy, Microbiology, Physiology, Pathology, and Pharmacology.

Students who complete their studies at the department successfully can be employed by private and public healthcare institutions, university hospitals, state hospitals, schools, senior centers, dialysis centers, medical centers, primary healthcare centers, private hospitals and clinics for protective, treating and rehabilitating medical services.
They can also continue with their graduate and doctoral degree studies and complete them to be a part of the academia as research assistants, lecturers, lecturers with doctoral degree, associate professors, and professors within universities.
They can work as chief nurse/assistant chief nurse, quality development (R&D) director of nursing services, coordinator of in-service training, clinical training nurse, and supervisor at hospitals.
They can specialize and work as diabetes education nurse, surgical nurse, wound care nurse, infection control nurse, dialysis nurse, home care nurse, nutrition nurse, nurse for patient transportation by helicopter.
They can also work in non-nurse positions at hospitals as hospital director, quality coordinator, assistant healthcare provider, human resources director, patient services director, and support services director.
They can also work as nurses at family medicine-family nursing centers, health cabinets, geriatric care centers, schools, workplaces, healthcare insurance companies, and pharmaceutical companies.
Medium of Instruction: Turkish
Admission Score Type: Science