This study was carried out to determine the effects of preoperative, preoperative, and postoperative warming on vital signs and blood parameters in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. T...
Infections after epidural and spinal blocks are rare. The topi- cal anesthetic lidocaine used in these procedures has been found to have anti- bacterial effects on various microorganisms....
Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains are generally resistant to many antibiotics, and nosocomial infections because of this species are one of the major problems in many hospitals. Molecular typing provides...
Cardiobacterium hominis is a Gram-negative coc- cobacillus, which is part of the normal human recognized as a rare cause of human infection leading to endocar- ditis and focal infections outside the v...
Transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease (TA- GVHD) is in most cases refractory to immunosuppressive therapy and fatal because of severe bone marrow apla- sia. Mucormycosis is a rare invasive ...
Aim To examine the frequency and factors predisposing to candidiasis in the digestive tract in the early postop- erative period after open heart surgery. Metbods. One hundred patients undergoing open ...
The gastrointestinal tract carriage of enterococei was searched in 150 hospitalized patients and 100 outpa- tients, and clonal relatedness of the isolates and their resistance to ampicillin, vancomyci...
Background: Increased nosocomial Stenotrophomonas maltophilia infection rates in newborns, especially in recent years, are a significant cause for concern. These cases are the second case group in the...
Antifungal susceptibility festing of pathogenic molds is being developed. A simple screening semisolid agar antifungal ssceptibility (SAAS) test accurately measures susceptibilities of yeasts. The per...
ABSTRACT patients died. The isolates tested were completely susceptible to meropenem, cefoxitin, and ciprofloxacin and were resistant to cephalothin. More than half of these strains were resistant to ...
Establishment of sustainable and evidence-based surveillance systems are recommended for prevention of microbial resistance by the World Health Organization (WHO). As a necessity of these surveillance...
Background: Duodenoscopes cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Disinfection of these instruments is usually based on high-level disinfection procedures with a manual or automated endoscope reprocessor (AE...
The effectiveness of prevention bundles on the occurrence and mortality of ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) was evaluated in many studies. However, the effectiveness of endotracheal tube with sub...
Background: Understanding the dynamics of aerial spread of Acinetobacter may provide useful infor- mation for production of effective control measurements. We investigated genetic relationships betwee...
Background. Bloodstream infection (BSI) is an important concern in transplant patients. Early intervention with appropriate antimicrobial therapy is critical to better clinical outcome; however, there...
Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing microorganisms currently cause a major prob- lem. Among theseCTX-M beta-lactamase producing Escherichia coli has also disseminated worldwide as an imp...
Fungus ball in the concha bullosa is an extremely rare discase. We described a case of the fungus ball in the concha bullosa in a 22-year-old woman. Preoperative diagnosis was based on nasal cndoscopy...
Background: Group A rotaviruses are the most common causative agent of acute gastroenteritis among children less than 5 years of age throughout the world. This sentinel surveillance study was aimed to...
Isolated case reports of peritonitis due to Brucella spp. during peritoneal dialysis (PD) continue to surface in the medical literature. However, the optimal treatment regimen for these patients, in p...
A 49-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with complaints of fatigue, epistaxis and a skin rash. The whole blood count revealed isolated thrombocytopenia (4,000/mL), and the patient was admitted ...
Background: Adenovirus eratoconjunctivitis outbreaks have rarely been reported in preterm infants. An outbreak of adenovirus conjunctivitis occurred between 15 January and 25 February at a neonatal in...
Infections caused by extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing Escherichia coli and Kleb- siella spp. constitute severe problems. Carbapenems are commonly used to treat these infections. Ho- w...
Abstract A 3-month-old girl presented with myocarditis owing to brucellosis. Her mother had been diagnosed with brucellosis at 28 weeks gestation but did not receive treatment until after delivery. Th...
Summary Objective Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a significant cause of life-threatening human infections. The clinical impact of MRSA is mounting, not only due to the ever-incr...
Bloodstream infections due to methicillin-resistant Staphyococcus aureus (MRSA) strains are one of the major problems in many hospitals. Molecular typing provides very useful information about the ori...
We aimed to investigate the clonal relationships, common sequence types, and carbapenemase genes in 177 non-repetitive blood culture isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii collected from patients at thre...
The aim of this study was to assess species distribution, antifungal susceptibility and clonal relationships among Candida strains isolated from a group of pediatric/neonatal intensive care (PICU/NICU...
The Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii (Acb) complex consists of phenotypically very similar nosocomial species; A.baumannii, Acinetobacter nosocomialis, Acinetobacter pittii, Acineto...
Bu çalışma; koroner arter bypass greft ameliyatı geçiren hastaların taburculuk sonrası telefon ile izlenmesinin bakım sonuçlarına etkisini belirlemek, öğrenme gereksinimlerini belirleme...
Radikal sistektomi cerrahisi ürolojik cerrahide hala ciddi ve majördür. Bu makalede, radikal sistektomi için ameliyat sonrası hızlı iyileşme (ERAS) protokolleri bulunmaktadır....
Kidney transplant is signifi cant in the treatment of endstage renal disease, and it is one of the most important treatment methods in our age. Transplant surgery is very signifi cant in our country...
Lymphedema is a congenital or mechanical (secondary) abnormality in the lymphatic system that leads to an abnormal accumulation of interstitial fluid in a particular region of the human body. Here, w...
Organ transplantation is an effective method in the treatment of end-stage organ failure. The multidisciplinary approach to the supply of high quality and efficient organs has always been a crucial...
To develop communication and teamwork skills among healthcare professionals, an evidence-based team work is needed. In order to improve patient safety and achieve the best clinical results, it is nec...
2019 yılı sonunda Çin'in Wuhan ÅŸehrinde Koronavirüs ailesinden 2019-nCoV (COVID-19) olarak adlandırılan yeni bir virüs ortaya çıktı. Bu virüs son yirmi yılda insan nüfusunda ortaya çÄ...
Gaziantep’te bulunan beş hastanesinin üroloji klinik hemşireleri, üroloji uzmanları ve anestezi uzmanlarına yönelik demografik özellikler bulunduran soru formlarıyla, üroloji servisinde ...
Araştırmanın örneklemini özel bir hastanede yatan 196 hasta oluşturdu. Veriler İtaki Düşme Riski Ölçeği ile toplandı. Alınan önlemler hastaların düşme riskine yönelik oluşturulan ...
In this study, it was aimed to determine how the postoperative pain level, state-trait anxiety level, and respiratory function were affected by the health education given through a patient education ...
Like all other types of cancer, breast cancer (BC) is perceived as a life-threatening disease; it remains as a most frightening disease for women despite the important developments in its treatment. ...
Ergenlerde internet bağımlılığına karşı duyarlılık yetişkinlere göre daha fazladır. İnternette fazla zaman geçiren çocuk ve ergenlerin giderek yalnızlaştıkları, iletişim kurmada g...
İlk olarak 2019 Aralık ayında Çin’e bağlı Hubei Eyaleti’nin Wuhan kentinde ortaya çıkan koronavirüs (COVID-19), yeni tanımlanan bir virüs olmasından ziyade hızlı yayılımı ile pan...
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among the time spent on the internet, blood pressure values, and loneliness levels in adolescents...
In addition to the negative changes occurring in the social and economic order in the society, the COVID-19 epidemic has also caused such feelings as uncertainty, fear, concern and anxiety in people ...
Following the examination of the cases encountered in Wuhan / China where the epidemic originated, it is seen that the patients who died due to Covid are older than the survivors and are present wit...
Microcirculation has great importance in eye and testicular tissue and is necessary to have adequate and appropriate amount of angiogenesis. It is known that high levels of Vascular Endothelial Growth...
Vascular dysfunction is thought to play a major role in the development of diabetic cardiovascular disease. The roles of endothelial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and dyslipidemia will be considered....
Paraquat (1,1 ’ -dimethyl-4,4 ’ -bipyridinium) (PQ), is a nonselective contact herbicide that is highly toxic to humans. The kidney is affected during PQ intoxication. Dexamethasone (Dexa) has ant...
Type 2 diabetes is a common metabolic disease and anxiety disorders are very common among diabetics. Buspirone is used in the treatment of anxiety, also having blood glucose-lowering effects. The aim ...
Gamma-ray energy resolution of a NaI(Tl) inorganic scintillation detector was improved in the present work. For this purpose, leading edge and constant fraction timing methods were used. Gamma energy...
The time spectrum of 14C was achieved by using a BC 400 type general purpose plastic scintillation detector. Leading edge and constant fraction discrimination timing methods were used to obtain the ...
The alpha energy spectra of 210Po were achieved through experimental and theoretical methods. The spectrometer which was consisted of silicon semiconductor surface barrier detector (SBD) was used to ...
6Ra alpha peak was revealed by a Multi-Pixel Photon Counter (MPPC) through a developed spectrometer. MPPC is consisted of silicon photomultipliers (Si-PM) which can be used for photon detection and m...
In this study, direct spectrum of 137Cs standard gamma source was obtained using multi–pixel photon counter (MPPC). Since this spectrum remained within the system noise, the gamma spectrum was not...
Calculations of gamma-ray mass attenuation coefficients of various detector materials (crystals) were carried out by means of FLUKA Monte Carlo (MC) method at different gamma-ray energies. Nal, PVT, G...
Energy spectra of 210Po were achieved by means of theoretical and experimental methods. The spectrometer which was consisted of a BC400 type plastic scintillation detector was used to obtain experim...
Gamma-ray energy spectra were acquired using a Multichannel Analyzer (MCA) and a digitizer. A spectrometer which was consisted of a NaI(Tl) inorganic scintillation detector and a digitizer were used...
A pulse shape discrimination setup was developed and the pulse shape discrimination method was applied to γ-rays emitted from 137Cs radioisotope to test its discrimination performance. The setup was...
The effects of the source-detector distance, the detector bias voltage variation and collimator usage on the time spectra of 133Ba and 207Bi calibration sources were investigated through a spectromet...
An MPPC (multi-pixel photon counter) module which is composed of silicon photomultipliers (Si-PM) can be used for the photon detection and measurement. However, gamma energy spectrum could not be obt...
In this work, gamma-ray linear attenuation coefficients of plexiglass, bakelite and Pb materials were determined to offer an alternative method for determining the gamma-ray linear attenuation coeffi...
Time spectra of 90Sr, 137Cs and 207Bi radioactive sources were obtained by using a BC 400 type plastic scintillation detectors in different thicknesses. Time resolution values through the time spectr...
The photon mass attenuation coefficients of LiF, BaSO4, CaCO3 and CaSO4 thermoluminescent dosimetric compounds at 100; 300; 500; 600; 800; 1,000; 1,500; 2,000; 3,000 and 5,000 keV gamma-ray energies ...
Experimental and simulated energy spectra of 137Cs, 60Co, and 241Am standard gamma sources were acquired. A spectrometer consisting of a NaI(Tl) scintillation detector was used to obtain experimental...
The energy spectra of 137Cs, 60Co and 14C were achieved by using the spectrometers composed of different types of detectors. In this work, constant fraction timing method was used to enhance their en...
Gamma-ray energy spectrum of a 137Cs radioisotope was obtained by using a NaI(Tl) scintillation detector. Improvement of the energy resolution of the detector was aimed. To achieve this, constant fr...
The objective of this study is to improve the time resolution value of a coincidence spectrometer used in a time-of-flight–positron emission tomography (TOF–PET) system. This spectrometer is used...
The objective of this study is to improve the time resolution value of a coincidence spectrometer used in a time-of-flight–positron emission tomography (TOF–PET) system. This spectrometer is used...
Effects of source-detector distance and the detector bias voltage variations on time resolution of a general purpose plastic scintillation detector such as BC400 were investigated. 133Ba and 207Bi ca...
Using a counting system with plastic scintillation detector, beta linear and mass attenuation coefficients were determined for bakelite, Al, Fe and plexiglass absorbers by means of timing method. To ...
The gamma-ray linear and the mass attenuation coefficients of Pb, Al, Cu, and plexiglass materials were calculated from both experimental and theoretical (simulation) methods. For the experimental re...
The resolving time values of the coincidence spectrometers composed by NaI(Tl) inorganic, BC408 type and BC418 type organic scintillation detectors were obtained in this work. For this purpose, fas...
The gamma-ray mass attenuation coefficients of various absorber materials such as Ag, Al, Au, Bakelite, Cu, Fe, Pb, Plexiglas, Si, Sn, water, and Zn were determined theoretically at different gamma-r...
The gamma-ray energy spectrum of 137 Cs was obtained according to different parameters such as preamplifier capacitance, the amplifier’s coarse gain level, power supply voltage for the detector, an...
A coincidence timing spectrometer was assembled using NaI(Tl) inorganic and BC418 type organic (plastic) scintillation detectors. The constant fraction timing method was used. Coincidence time resolu...
A method including the coincidence time resolution improvement for a TOF/positron emission tomography system was suggested. The spectrometer for this aim was composed of two NaI(Tl) and two plastic ...
Alpha energy spectra of 210Po and 226Ra radioactive sources were achieved by using a BC400 type plastic scintillation detector. In order to enhance the energy resolution of the detector, constant f...
In this work, alpha energy resolution of a Si surface barrier detector was improved. For this purpose, we used constant fraction timing method. Energy resolution enhancement of about 1 % was achiev...
Gamma-ray linear attenuation coefficient values of Pb, Fe and Al absorber materials were investigated. A fast coincidence timing measurement spectrometer was used for this purpose differently from oth...
The gamma-ray mass attenuation coefficients of blood, bone, lung, eye lens, adipose, tissue, muscle, brain and skin were calculated at different energies (60, 80, 150, 400, 500, 600, 1000, 1250, 15...